
国产 拳交 9月14日雅想大作文示范写稿 | 使命至晚景|雅想进修

发布日期:2024-09-27 21:00    点击次数:185

国产 拳交 9月14日雅想大作文示范写稿 | 使命至晚景|雅想进修

扫码琢磨2024年新航谈秋季班国产 拳交

September 18, 2024

雅想作文真题直击 | | 栏目推送诠释




It is a good idea for people to continue working in their old age, if it is possible for them to do so. Do you agree or disagree?




In many industrialized societies, retirement dream seems to slip away, with a keen interest in extending working lives for elder employees. This prediction has fueled debates about how far this proposal of prolonged working years could go in future.




不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):

❖ Industrialized 工业化的adj.

❖ retirement dream 退休空想

❖ slip away 隐没/逝去

❖ keen interest 浓厚的兴味:对某事物或某活动推崇出热烈的兴味和温雅

❖ extending working lives 延长使命年限

❖ fueled debates 激发磋磨

❖ prolonged working years 延长使命时间

Body paragraph 1

Adherents of this believe that uncertainties in economy have crushed people’s dreams for a comfortable retirement. For example, job-seeking retirees have doubled since the 1990s when Japanese economic bubble collapsed; it is the vision of not-so-genteel poverty that seems to buttress the need for replenishing one’s retirement nest egg by working for additional years. However, the rationale for such initiatives is not, of course, solely economic. While those over 65 in the best-matched fields may be able to reap happiness, older workers with specialized skills may be able to help alleviate the labor market tightness in some fields.




不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):

❖ adherents 拥护者/信徒:支捏某种不雅点的东谈主

❖ uncertainties in economy 经济不祥情味

❖ crushed 打破

❖ job-seeking retirees 寻找使命的退休东谈主员

❖ economic bubble 积极泡沫

❖ collapsed 闹翻

❖ vision 远见远瞩/瞻望n.

❖ not-so-genteel 穷乏漂后的/并非致密社会的adj.


❖ buttress 支捏/复古某种论点v.

❖ replenish 补充/再行装满v.

❖ retirement nest egg 退休储蓄:指为退休后的生涯而累积的一定数目的资金或财产。

❖ rationale 根柢原因,人体艺术写真逻辑依据n.

❖ solely 只是adv.

❖ those over 65 老年东谈主/ 65岁以上的东谈主群

❖ best-matched 最匹配的

❖ reap happiness 获利幸福

❖ specialized skills 特定技能

❖ alleviate 松开v.

❖ labor market tightness 劳能源短缺(Market Tightness市集紧度)

Body paragraph 2

Yet the above-mentioned is only half of the story. A major worry relates to hiking youth unemployment in vacancies which underscore years of expertise and professional skills, despite of elders’ seemingly lackluster efficiency in dealing with technology-related work tasks. Delayed retirement may also add pressure to job creation conundrum, as the average organizations may be less inclined to hire non-professionals in order to reduce training costs. Even for those ostensibly wealthy older people who are still working in their twilight years, taking a highly fulfilling career path—which is uncommon—could drain them emotionally and physically




不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):

❖ hiking 高涨的/陡增的adj.

❖ youth unemployment 年青东谈主安闲 n.

❖ vacancies 职位空白

❖ underscore 强调v.

❖ lackluster 阴霾无光的adj.

❖ technology-related 与科技联系的

❖l delayed retirement 延伸退休

❖ conundrum 珍摄/逆境n.

❖ the average organizations 粗俗的公司机构

❖ be inclined to 倾向于作念某事

❖ non-professionals 非专科东谈主士

❖ ostensibly 名义上看来adv.

❖ twilight years 晚景/黄昏时候twilight

❖ fulfilling career path 使东谈主有成立感的行状之路

❖ drain 使劳累,使窘迫;(使)缓缓隐没;使裁减,毒害v.

❖ emotionally and physically 身心方面地


As we move from industrial age to the information age, lifetime employment seems to be inevitable; any rose-tinted view may end up hurting readiness to embrace the uncharted territory for both individuals and policy makers.




不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):

❖ lifetime 终生的

❖ readiness 准备n.

❖ policy makers 计策制定者

❖ Rose-tinted 玫瑰色的/过于乐不雅的

❖ Uncharted territory 未知范围

国产 拳交




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